Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Finish Your Last Minute Shopping

Finish your last minute shopping, but first finish this

"Undercover Fran"
1000 meter row
21 Thruster
21 Pull ups
500 meter row
15 Thruster
15 Pull ups
250 meter row
9 Thruster
9 Pull ups

Enjoy! Happy shopping. And Merry Christmas to all!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009



21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups

Monday, December 21, 2009

Understanding the Real Battle

In CrossFit, Videos

December 06, 2009

Video Article

CrossFit is committed to “forging elite fitness,” with elite being relative to folks’ commitment, interest, age, and condition in life, to name just a few factors. We have a broad definition of this fitness (“increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains”), and a prescription for how to achieve it (regular workouts comprised of “constantly varied functional movements at high intensity”). Adequate nutrition is essential, which in the broadest description means moderate (sufficient but not excessive) quantities of quality food (proteins, carbs, and fats).

The biggest enemy to fitness is sloth and overindulgence, particularly of high-glycemic carbohydrates. The second biggest enemy to fitness is theSilly Bullshit of which Mark Rippotoe speaks eloquently. Getting more folks off the couch, out of the machine-based isolation silliness, and into some form of functional training with a moderate diet is what will make the biggest impact on the world, and on our community.

In all this, there is little disagreement. Now, CrossFit is also about pushing the limits of human performance. The closer you get to the top of your game, especially if your game is the CrossFit Games, the more subtle distinctions matter. You really have to dial in your training, nutrition, and recovery.

There is significant debate, as there should be, about how to optimize human performance. There has been a trend, however, to let these debates become divisive by some members of the community. This is a mistake.

CrossFit HQ’s stance is to expose the community to the widest variety of best practices so that we can further human performance. Identifying solely with one type of deadlift, backsquat or nutrition approach is counterproductive given the success that some athletes have with another type. Know them all, and use them productively and with discretion.

Thank you to Dave Castro and the CrossFit Journal for this Article.

I'll Be Home For CrossFit

Use your deck of Cards

Hearts = Burpees
Clubs = Row (each arm)
Diamonds = Swings
Spades = Clean and Press

Do the number of repetitions on the card you draw from the deck and match the suit
to the exercise that corresponds with it.
Use a Dumbell or Kettelbell and get to work!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Its Getting Cold Outside!

Its Getting Cold Outside - So come and play inside with us.

500M Row
20 Turkish Get Ups

AMRAP for 20mins

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

20 Front Squats____ then 50 Jump Rope
20 Waiter Lunges___then 50 Jump Rope
20 Dips ____then 50 Jump Rope
20 DB Row each arm_then 50 Jump Rope
20 Weighted sit ups__then 50 Jump Rope

Perform 3 rounds for time.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009




TOTAL OF 100 pull ups
150 push ups
200 sit ups
250 squats
800 reps Grand Total

Thursday, December 10, 2009

See Saw

See Saw

10 Pull ups
1 push up
9 pull ups
2 push ups
8 pull ups
3 push ups
7 pull ups
4 push ups
6 pull ups
5 push ups
5 pull ups
6 push ups
4 pull ups
7 push ups
3 pull ups
8 push ups
2 pull ups
9 push ups
1 pull ups
10 push ups

If you have rings do this work out using the rings for both pull ups and push ups. Have fun. Work out Harder!

See you Saturday.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

10 Days Of Christmas

10 Days of Christmas WOD

1000 Meter Row
9 Back Squats (85%max)
8 Pull ups with 20lbs (vest or db)
7 Ring dips
6 Barbell Cleans (3/4 body wt)
5 Handstand Push ups
4 Overhead Squats 95/65lbs
3 Bench Presses (body wt)
2 L Pull ups
100 Meter Row

Start by setting up a couple of bars with the appropriate weight and go to work.
1 round of this is good but 2 rounds are better. Have Fun!

Home work out

3 rounds for time of:

20 Lunges

50 Squats

25 Back extensions

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Here is the bottom of the push up.

1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile run

Home work out:
same as above, substitute bent over rows for pull ups if you can't find any pull up bars.
Have fun!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Yay Burpees!

20 mins Amrap of 5 sumo dead lift high pull,
10 alternating Pistols
15 sit ups

Sumo Dead Lift High Pull!

3-2-1 GO!