Monday, August 23, 2010




3 rounds of:

30 dips --followed by 20 double unders

30 pushups--- 20 double under

30 deadlift--- 20 double under

30 kb clean 20 double under

We will be following a "strength biased" program. That being said, if you are only working out three days a week, I would encourage you to always get in your four strength workouts for the week. That is correct four days a week. You can't go wrong getting stronger. It makes the work toward getting better conditioned much easier. In my years of training folks, it is always the women/men who start with a good strength base that see better overall results quicker than those who never strength trained. Besides that, there are two benefits to strength training that I can think of right off the bat that should encourage anyone to focus on strength training:

  1. A solid musculature frame is less likely to be injured in day to day tasks.
  2. Strength training increases bone density. The last thing I want is to have brittle bones. I don't know about you, but I want to avoid being a fragile old person as long as possible. There are many people I need to share this gift with.

So what if you are working out only three days a week or less? Recently, I read a common scenario posted a deadlift session that was three lifts on the minute for eight minutes at 70% of your one rep max. A longtime member did the workout with 125#. WTF??? I was baffled. When asked why her load was so light, the woman admitted that she was not hitting the deadlift strength training days. Basically, she did not like to deadlift and was avoiding it. Her max deadlift was not anywhere near where it should be. I will go out on a limb here and state this: If you had to pick only two strength movements to train consistently, pick the squat and the deadlift. In my humble opinion, these two movements will benefit you the most overall than any other movements. You may not ever get a really strong upper body missing the other lifts, but your body will be better suited in the long run with strong legs, a strong back, and a solid core....all things that benefit from the squat and the deadlift.

Training consistently is tough. For those of you less fortunate, or simply not desiring to work so hard, fret not! Attack the days you do train vigorously. Embrace strength training. Enjoy your rest days or take the weekend off. What really matters is that you train consistently.

They say do things and take things in moderation. Guess what? This type of passive behavior will NEVER be remembered!!!! That's right, think of anyone who has stood the test of time for doing things in moderation.

There is a Fire burning within. Moderation just won't get the things we are meant to accomplish by dipping our feet in the water.

My FAITH runs through me, and my hunger for more will keep me jumping in the water.

The 3 "P's" Purity, Prayer = Power!!!!!!! I just Love reading my book.

Who else is ready to jump the risky waters ahead? -Artie K

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