Friday, February 26, 2010

Snowed in

Virtual shoveling? We can do the real thing! Put your snowblower away and take out your shovel. 30 mins of Shoveling. Enjoy!


Snowed in WOD

5 rounds for time:

15 push ups
10 burpees
15 sit ups

Wednesday, February 24, 2010




21 Overhead Squats
42 Pullups
15 Overhead Squats
30 Pull ups
9 Overhead Squats
18 Pull ups

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

fight Gone Bad Week

Great work on the FGB to every body.


row 2k

"Bear" work out

fight Gone Bad Week 2

Oh Yea!

Fight Gone Bad Week

Heres some Pics of Fight Gone Bad:
Well Done!

Monday, February 22, 2010



for time:

Front Squat
Super Plank


Thursday, February 18, 2010


For Time:
Row 500
25 walking lunges
25 push ups
25 wall ball
Row 500

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Get some reverse burpees!
You made it look easy.
Good work!

Amrap 10 mins:
7 ring dips
7 box jumps

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Mike!


For Time:

"Birthday Mike"

44 Thrusters
5 burpees every 5 seconds

For Time:
Box jump
Renegade Row
Reverse Burpee

Friday, February 12, 2010

Go USA Olympic Team


For time:

Ring Dips
Barbell Rows
Reverse Walking Lunges
Row 100m

perform 100m row after lunges

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fitness 100 words

For time:
each 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
pull ups
kb swings
push press
sit ups

World-Class Fitness in 100 Words:

■ Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.

■ Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.

■ Five or six days per week mix these ele- ments in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.

■ Regularly learn and play new sports.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

snowed in

Snowed in - work out at home
4 rounds for time:
10 lunges
20 push ups
30 sit ups
40 squats

Tuesday, February 9, 2010




5 rounds for time:

20 dips ---50 jump ropes
20 GHD back ext ---50 jump ropes
20 walk lunges ---50 jump ropes
20 sit ups ---50 jump ropes

Monday, February 8, 2010

Clean and Row


Clean and Row
10 Cleans - Row 200m
9 Cleans - Row 200m
7 down to 1 clean and row 200m

Sunday, February 7, 2010

CrossFit Total


3 rounds for time

40 push press #65/45
30 squats
20 ring dips
10 double unders

Here are a few reps from last weeks CFT

Friday, February 5, 2010

CrossFit Total

CrossFit Total
1 rep max Press (overhead)
1 rep max Squat
1 rep max Deadlift

CrossFit Journal Article Reprint. First Published in CrossFit Journal Issue 52 - December 2006

The CrossFit Total reflects an athlete's functional strength capacity more accurately than any other test, writes Mark Rippetoe.

The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at the squat, the press, and the deadlift. All three lifts are done while standing on the floor.

Press Rules

The press is also done from the racks.The bar is held in both hands in front of the neck, taken out of the rack and walked back away from the rack. No contact with the rack is permitted until the bar is replaced in the racks. Once the stance is assumed it cannot change until the lift is completed. The starting position must be upright, with the knees and hips fully extended and the chest up.The bar must be in contact with the top of the shoulders or the chest, whichever individual flexibility permits. After the starting position is correctly assumed, the bar is pressed overhead until the elbows are completely extended, with the bar in a position directly above the ears. Once this position has been attained, the bar is lowered back to the front of the shoulders and walked back into the rack and replaced.

Any halt in the upward motion of the bar, identified as the part of the bar between the hands, constitutes a missed attempt, as does any change in the position of the feet against the floor during the attempt, any bending of the knees, or excessive backward lean of the torso as identified by A) the position of the most anterior aspect of the armpit, B) the most posterior aspect of the buttocks, C) the plane formed by a straight line between these two points, and D) the movement of that plane to a position behind the vertical. Any deliberate attempt to raise the bar counts as an attempt. Spotters are not permitted for this lift.

2 of 4The CrossFit Total (continued...)

Deadlift Rules

The deadlift is performed with the bar on the platform or floor. The lifter assumes a position facing the bar, with the bar parallel to the lifter’s frontal plane.The bar is gripped with both hands, and pulled with one continuous uninterrupted movement until the lifter is standing erect with knees and hips fully extended, the chest up and shoulders back. Once this position is attained and the bar is motionless, the bar is lowered under control with both hands back to the ground.The bar may not be dropped.

Any halt in the upward motion of the bar constitutes a missed attempt, as does failure to assume a fully erect position with both knees and hips extended. Any attempt to raise the bar counts as an attempt.

The equipment that can be used is minimal. A belt of any type can be worn but is not required. Knee wraps or sleeves are permitted, but if they are used they must be left on for the entire duration of the session in which the lift is performed—e.g., they must be put on before the squat is warmed up and left in place until the last squat attempt is completed. Wrist wraps are permitted; lifting straps are not.

Any type of footwear may be worn, although a formal contest would require an actual shoe of some type. The shirt should be a close-fitting stretch material, like a t-shirt or a golf shirt, tight enough that the back position can be clearly observed during the press. Close-fitting shorts will allow the bottom position in the squat to be observed. Long pants are not permitted, and neither the shirt nor the shorts can have any supportive characteristics whatsoever. Singlets are not allowed.

Squat Rules

The squat must be done from the squat stands or power rack. The bar must be placed on the back and walked out to clear the rack completely. No contact with the rack is permitted until the bar is replaced in the rack. Once the bar is lowered, the stance cannot change until the bar is

to be racked. The starting position must be completely upright, with the knees and the hips fully extended and with the chest up. The hips are lowered until the top surfaces of both of the legs at the hip joint are lower than the knees, and then the bar is lifted back up. The bottom position is identified by A) the apex of the crease in the shorts formed as the hips are lowered, B) the surface of the top of the patella, C) the plane formed by a straight line between the

two, and D) the dipping of the hip end of that plane below horizontal. The finish position is the same as the starting position, and the athlete must return to it before the bar is racked.When the finish position is secure, the bar must be walked back into the rack and successfully replaced.

Any halt in the upward motion of the whole bar, identified at its position on the back rather than at its ends, constitutes a missed attempt, as does any change in position of the feet against the floor during the squat. Any deliberate attempt to lower the bar counts as an attempt. No more than two spotters are permitted, and they are not allowed to touch the bar during the attempt, which is finished only after the bar is successfully replaced in the racks. The spotters are permitted to steady the racks, and to take the bar if the lifter loses control of it. Any touching of either the bar or the lifter by any spotter invalidates the attempt

Thursday, February 4, 2010




for time:

30 Snatches #135

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Clean up the puke!


warm up with 3 rounds of:
10 kb swing
10 kb windmill
10 kb figure 8

perform 7 rounds for time:
10 med ball cleans
10 burpees

Just want to give a big complement to those who did the hand stand push ups yesterday. Great form and determination. Keep it up.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2010 CrossFit Games registration

HeY CrossFit Franklin Lakes. Lets register for the 2010 CrossFit Games! Go show'em what you've got. Go to and search for 2010 game or Type in the following on your address:

Flipping Tire in the Cold Winter

Flipping a tire is often less about lifting and more about pushing and stepping through and taking the space that was once occupied by said tire.

To those who have experience with football, compare the movement to a hitting sled on a football field. The initial movement is very similar to a deadlift.

1. Start with a deadlift position with feet at about 1 foot away from tire.

2. Grip the tire with wide enough grip. Outside shoulder width or wider.

3. Drive chest into the tire and push with your legs like in a deadlift.

4. Drive it up and over and step through with your leg. You may even rest it on your leg if it is not too heavy.

5. Push it over. Do it again. Simple.

Tuesday 100202

5 rounds of:

3 rounds of cindy
15 deadlifts

Perform each round of cindy as best as possible.
Perform each deadlift round without breaking the set.
Have fun.

Great Job to Mike and Kieth on all unbroken deadlift rounds.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Best 250 meter row

4 sets:

3 handstand push ups
6 clean and press
10 turkish get ups
12 backwards walking lunges
250 meter row
Try to get the best row each time. Go hard!