Three rounds of:
8 Rouds -Tabata Hammer Slams
4 mins Amrap Partner Tire Flip
Rest until you have fully recovered from each round(about 3mins)
The smell of adrenaline is filling the United States via way of LA where The CrossFit 2010 Games will take place starting tomorrow. Mikko Salo is the reigning champion from the 2009 CrossFit Games. The fight to defend his title begins this weekend, but the preparation for all athletes has been in action since last year's final event came to a close. Countless hours in the gym, mental training and preparation will all come to a head on Friday night as 93 individual athletes descend upon Carson, Calif.
Come cheer for your favorite athlete while we watch the games live on the live feed. Will Miko repeat or will he let somebody take his crown? We will find out this week end! Best of luck to all the competitors and may the best athlete win.

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