Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Row Hard 101

091104 Row 1000m
KB Swing
Barbell Row
KB Clean
Barbell Push Press
Row 1000m
3 rounds: 10, 20, 30 reps of each movement except the row

4 Phases of Rowing : 1 The Catch
2 The Drive
3 The Finish
4 The Recovery

Why Indoor Rowing?

A Quick List by Greg Hammond

I am often asked, “What makes the indoor rower any

better than other forms of equipment for metcon

[metabolic conditioning] training?”

The typical measure of aerobic exercise is elevated

heart rate, which increases blood flow, bringing oxygen

to power the muscles, and of course, a lot of heavy

breathing. All this elevated activity of the lungs and

heart trains and conditions the cardiovascular system.

Rowing, though, has some unique advantages over other

forms of aerobic training that are often overlooked.

*More muscle mass

*Greater range of motion

*Multijoint coordinated movement and


*Interval-like force generation

*Variable resistance

*Feedback and performance analysis

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