Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Friday, December 17, 2010
And there were casualties....
A couple things happen all at once……
- Food is everywhere. And such delicious stuff. Have some!!! Just don’t eat yourself into a coma at every sitting. A simple remedy to too much candy and cake: spend at least 30 minutes once over the next few weeks running a 5k. That’s not asking too much is it? After that 5k, you’ll feel better the next time you cram half a box of Homemade cookies into your mouth.
- Parties!!!! Alcohol induced stupidness abounds. Be careful with the drinking and driving. Remember that the cops have extra units working every night looking solely for drunk drivers (and making fat Christmas overtime money). It’s better to be the ass that passes out at the company Christmas party rather than the ass with a super bad hangover looking for a lawyer in the yellow pages. Lose your keys.
- Shopping. Boo! Unless you are buying me The stress of having to buy gifts for everyone is worse than knowing that your workout later in the day is going to be “Fran.” I have two words for you: GIFT CARD.
- It’s cold and rainy. Much easier to stay home and watch “Elf” again rather than go to the gym. I can’t say I blame you….that was a pretty funny movie. What's a Christmas gram? I want one. Smiling is my favorite:)
That’s a lot working against you and the road to fitness. I say, “Oh well!!!” The holidays are upon us and there is no escape. Don’t get too lazy, but cut lose a little and enjoy yourself. It’s only a couple of weeks. Besides, it’s a known fact that the “New Year’s Resolution” was created by the fitness industry to get all the people who overindulge during the holidays back into the gym.
Happy Holidays!!!!
Merry Christmas to all. Rejoice!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Get better Alon!
Thursday 101202
Five rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
135 pound Thruster, 7 reps
You can beat me. But not defeat me.
I will dial myself in. I will focus.
You can run faster than me. But you cannot run truer.
I will learn to sprint. And to slow my pace for recovery.
You can post higher PR numbers than me on every whiteboard that exists in this world. But your weights really only mean something to you, not to me. You can lift more than me. In rubber or iron. Today. But not in life. I am my own yardstick.
I will breathe deep and take this burden from the ground to my shoulders. And then over my head. But I will put it back down and walk away from it. It does not own me.
Although we pen our efforts for everyone to see, I was never competing with you to begin with. I am trying to be a better version of me, every single workout and every single day. You only help me to get there. Thank you. I hope my efforts drive you harder too.
But make no mistake, you can never defeat me.
It’s simply not possible.
I am unstoppable.
1 day till CrossFit Party! Friday Night Lights...Yay
Monday, November 29, 2010
MONDAY 101129
You could move to Southern California and hire some of the industries highest paid trainers, or you could simply do CrossFit.
CrossFit has received a bit of bad press by a few of the trainers (looking to protect their own business) in the action sports industry, and as a trainer, athlete and journalist I feel it's my duty to step up to the mic and defend a training protocol I believe to be the best method to prepare for the demands of action sport.
First, let me introduce a term into the conversation that hasn't seen any press yet: general physical preparedness (GPP). GPP is not a training protocol, like periodization or the conjugate method, it is a state we are trying to train the body towards; it's putting your body in a 'ready state'. This is the missing link for an athlete like you, the motocrosser/snowboarder/skater. I can tell you with absolute certainty, after personally training hundreds of athletes and spending my whole life on a boards and bikes that most of us would benefit more from chasing GPP than anything else.
But how does one maximize GPP?
Fundamentally, you cannot improve your GPP without stepping out of your comfort zone. Think of that zone as all the movements you do in the gym because you're either good at them, or they make you feel good (think jogging, cycling, bicep curls). Barrel chested dudes who love to bench press continue to do so because it makes them feel good, forget the fact that they couldn't run a mile in under 12 minutes. Then there's the long distance runner, or cyclist. Ask that person to press half their body weight overhead for reps or jump on a 36-inch plyobox, they'd probably fall pretty short of either of those tasks.
Enter CrossFit's number one goal: improving GPP.
CrossFit utilizes a number of time-tested, functional movements that are scientifically proven to improve your fitness (see list below). Bicep curls, useless machines (elliptical, stair stepper) and hours spent on a bicycle have no place in this training protocol because regardless of what you've been told, they aren't serving to make you a better athlete. Further, CrossFit's programming is by definition highly varied, you're doing some strength work one day, running the next, then the following your doing some mixed modality workout for time. The next week will look completely different. This is how GPP is improved. This is how you become a better athlete.
Take a look at the training program of any successful athlete with a high level of fitness (sans those in skill sports relying on talent) these days and you'll find the following movements being done to prepare for their sport:
Squat (Front, Back & Overhead)
Press (including the Push Press)
Clean and Jerk (including power clean)
Snatch (including power snatch)
Squats (unloaded)
Rowing (most likely on a Concept 2 rower)
Running (mixed speeds and distances, not just jogging)
All those movements listed above are part of the foundation of CrossFit's training program and this is why you as an action sports athlete should consider joining an affiliate. In short order you will find yourself doing exercising you may be avoiding, and forgetting about the hours you've wasted doing work that haven't paid dividends.
It's time to start training like an athlete. It's time to CrossFit.
For more information on CrossFit, or to find an affiliate in your area visit
About the Author
Chris Worden has raced motorcycles, bicycles, played tennis, football and kicked around on boards his whole life. The results he's seen in his previous attempts at achieving a high level of fitness were marginal. Running, cycling and the rest of the steady-state cardio never did him much good athletically, but it took about 10 years to figure that out. Then he found CrossFit. He is currently the Editor of & as well as a personal and group trainer at CrossFit Costa Mesa.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
SUNDAY 101121
Six rounds for time of:
Carry 50 pound sandbag 400 meters
115 pound Push press, 12 reps
12 Box jumps, 24 inch box
95 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull, 12 reps