Sunday, January 31, 2010



Row 1000m

repeat the following for three sets:

10 reps Snatch
25 Ghd back extensions
12 toe to bar

Row 1000m

Compare your first 1000m time to second 1000m row.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Get the Filth Outta Here!

"Filthy Fifty"
50 box jumps
50 jump pull ups
50 kettel bell swings
50 walking lunges
50 hanging knee to elbow
50 push press
50 ghd back extensions
50 wall balls
50 burpees "aka" Pukers
50 double unders

Congratulations to all who finished the "Filthy Fifty". There was lots of improvement on technique and overall performance from the last time most of you did this work out especially on the double unders. Keep up the good work!

Get the Filth Outta Here!